Privacy Politics
Data of clients are processed and stored, adhering to indications of current laws of the Republic of Estonia on protection personal data. Data on clients are stored not longer, than it is necessary. The client has the right to obtain information on the sent and kept data at any time, to edit them, to close to them access, if necessary even completely to remove. In the latter case you need to address us by e-mail or on other contacts specified on our website Being registered or ordering goods from us, you need to provide about yourself information which will be used only for implementation of the order, and also for the marketing purposes. If you already registered user, can be connected with system, having entered the e-mail address and the password. Thanking cookies of the stored information, you don’t need to fill anew every time the specified forms. You can also operate your data or even to block them by means of the programs intended for viewing of Internet pages.